What pairs well with a lovely red wine……. Burgers! Well not all burgers, but the Maximus Italiano Burger will for sure hit the spot.
8 ounces ground Italian Sausage
4 ounces pancetta
28 ounces peeled tomatoes
1 Medium Yellow Onion
2 Large peeled garlic cloves
1 Medium Zucchini
8 ounces Fresh Mozzarella Cheese
8 ounces Baby Bella Mushrooms
1/2 Cup red onion
6 Teaspoons Butter
2 Eggs
1 Cup Flour
2/3 Cup Water
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 Tablespoon Basil
1 Tablespoon Salt
1 Tablespoon Pepper
1 cup olive oil
2 loaves ciabatta Bread
6 tablespoons Parmesan cheese

1. Begin by dicing 8 ounces of mushrooms, 1/2 cup of red onions, and 4 oz of pancetta. Place ingredients into medium heat sauce pan with 6 teaspoons of butter. Saute’ ingredients for 5 -7 minutes and remove from heat.
2. Combine 24 ounces of Ground Beef with 8 ounces of Italian sausage in a mixing bowl and add 1 tablespoon of salt, pepper, and basil.
3. Add cooked mushrooms, red onion and pancetta to mixing bowl with beef mixture and thoroughly mix ingredients together. After ingredients have been mixed together, form the mixture into 6 even round patties.
4. Start your marinara sauce by placing 28 ounces of whole peeled tomatoes in a medium sauce pan.
5 Add yellow onion halved with garlic cloves, 2 table spoons of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of oregano to saucepan.
6. Simmer sauce on medium high heat for 40 minutes stirring occasionally. At the 20 minute mark crush the whole tomatoes in pan.
7. After 40 minutes remove from heat and remove onion completely from sauce, and crush garlic cloves and stir into sauce. Use a hand blender to get the sauce to an even consistency. Set sauce aside.
8. Place burger patties on a grill at a temperature of 375 degrees Fahrenheit. The burgers will be grilled 2-3 minutes per side. After the burgers have been flipped once take 8 ounces of mozzarella cheese cut into 6 even flat portions and place on top of burger while on the grill. Cover the burgers with a metal bowl to melt the cheese over the tops of the burgers.
9. Remove the burgers with melted cheese when the internal temperature of the burger reaches 160 degrees.
10. Take the zucchini and spiral cut the zucchini into long thin spaghetti style shapes.
11, Make a tempura batter for the zucchini, In a mixing bowl mix 2 egg whites and beat til frothy. Add 1 cup flour and 2/3 cup water and mix until its consistency is tacky but not firm. Take your zucchini pieces and coat them with the batter mixture.
12. In a sauce pan heat 3/4 cups olive oil in high heat pan and fry the zucchini until the batter becomes golden brown. Remove from oil.
13. Cut your loaves of ciabatta bread into six equal sized pieces and then slice horizontal to the counter to create an bun for your burger.
14. Place burger on bottom section of bun. Top with marinara sauce and then add tempura zucchini. To finish add 1 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese. Place top slice of the ciabatta on top and enjoy!